We Couldn't Do It Without Our Partners!
The success of Keep Palm Beach County Beautiful's (KPBCB) projects and initiatives, not only depend on hard-working volunteers, but also on important public and private partnerships that we seek and maintain. Help and support from the following organizations enable us to do our work and make Palm Beach County a better community.
The Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) was created by the Florida Legislature in 1927, by Chapter 12026 Laws of Florida to be the state sponsor of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway in Florida. FIND is one of our major local sponsors of the International Coastal Cleanup.
ComcastComcast brings their employees and families to volunteer and make change in their communities during the Spring. They are a major sponsor of the Great American Cleanup, allowing us to purchase supplies for volunteer projects and give grants to the community groups and organizations participating in this event.
Pratt and Whitney
Pratt & Whitney, a United Technologies Corp. company (NYSE:UTX), is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of aircraft engines and auxiliary power units. The company is a major local sponsor of the International Coastal Cleanup and the Great American Cleanup through its "Green Power" grant program.
KPBCB also wishes to acknowledge the generous contributions of other corporate sponsors, non-profits, and community organizations. These partners are listed by the events they sponsor. KPBCB also thanks the community groups and organizations that participate in all of our events and projects as volunteers or as Site Project Managers.